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- ~1000 noMaskFoundErr an Icon Utilities Error occurred
- ~1024 nbpBuffOvr a buffer overflowed while calling LookupName
- ~1025 nbpNoConfirm the name was not confirmed
- ~1026 nbpConfDiff the name was confirmed at a different socket
- ~1027 nbpDuplicate the NBP name exists already
- ~1028 nbpNotFound the NBP name not found when a remove operation was requested
- ~1029 nbpNISErr the “Open NIS” operation failed
- ~1066 aspBadVersNum this ASP version is not supported
- ~1067 aspBufTooSmall the ASP buffer is too small
- ~1068 aspNoMoreSess no more sessions are available on the server
- ~1069 aspNoServers no server could be found at the specified address
- ~1070 aspParamErr an ASP parameter was wrong
- ~1071 aspServerBusy the server could not open another session
- ~1072 aspSessClosed the session is already closed
- ~1073 aspSizeErr the ASP command block was too big
- ~1074 aspTooMany the server has too many clients
- ~1075 aspNoAck the server failed to acknowledge an attention request
- ~1096 reqFailed the request to contact the router failed (retry count exceeded)
- ~1097 tooManyReqs there were too many concurrent requests
- ~1098 tooManySkts there were too many responding sockets
- ~1099 badATPSkt the responding socket was bad
- ~1100 badBuffNum a sequence number was out of range
- ~1101 noRelErr a timer expired before MSAM responded
- ~1102 cbNotFound the NBP control block was not found (there were no pending asynchronous calls)
- ~1103 noSendResp a PAddResponse call was issued before a PSendResponse call
- ~1104 noDataArea there were too many ATP calls pending
- ~1105 reqAborted this ERead was aborted by the ERdCancel function
- ~1273 errOpenDenied the open request was denied by recipient
- ~1274 errDSPQueueSize the send or receive queue is too small
- ~1275 errFwdReset the read request was terminated by a forward reset
- ~1276 errAttention the attention message was too long
- ~1277 errOpening the attempt to open the connection failed
- ~1278 errState the connection state for this operation is invalid
- ~1279 errAborted the request was aborted by the dspRemove or dspClose function
- ~1280 errRefNum the connection reference number was invalid
- ~1300 fidNotFoundErr no file thread exists
- ~1301 fidExists the file ID already exists
- ~1302 notAFileErr the file is actually a folder (directory)
- ~1303 diffVolErr the files are on different volumes
- ~1304 catalogChangedErr the catalog has changed and CatPosition may be invalid
- ~1305 desktopDamagedErr the desktop database files are damaged
- ~1306 sameFileErr you can't exchange a file with itself
- ~1307 badFidErr file ID doesn't match with the file number
- ~1308 notARemountErr the volume can only be REmounted
- ~1309 fileBoundsErr the file is too big
- ~1310 fsDataTooBigErr the file or volume is too big for the system
- ~1311 volVMBusyErr the volume is being used by the Virtual Memory (VM) Manager
- ~1700 errAECoercionFail the AppleEvent data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type
- ~1701 errAEDescNotFound the descriptor record was not found
- ~1702 errAECorruptData the data in an AppleEvent could not be read
- ~1703 errAEWrongDataType the wrong descriptor data type was requested
- ~1704 errAENotAEDesc the descriptor record is invalid
- ~1705 errAEBadListItem the list item was invalid
- ~1706 errAENewerVersion a newer version of the AppleEvent manager is required
- ~1707 errAENotAppleEvent the event is not an AppleEvent
- ~1708 errAEEventNotHandled the event wasn't handled by any AppleEvent handler
- ~1709 errAEReplyNotValid AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply
- ~1710 errAEUnknownSendMode an invalid sending mode was requested
- ~1711 errAEWaitCanceled the wait loop for reply or receipt was canceled
- ~1712 errAETimeOut the AppleEvent timed out (YOU should be using the Futures package!)
- ~1713 errAENoUserInteraction no user interaction is allowed
- ~1714 errAENotASpecialFunction the wrong keyword for a special function was specified
- ~1715 errAEParamMissed the AppleEvent handler did not get all of the required parameters
- ~1716 errAEUnknownAddressType the AppleEvent address type is unknown
- ~1717 errAEHandlerNotFound no handler was found for an AppleEvent or a coercion handler
- ~1718 errAEReplyNotArrived the AppleEvent reply has not yet arrived (YOU should be using the Futures package!)
- ~1719 errAEIllegalIndex the list index was invalid
- ~1720 errAEImpossibleRange a range like 3rd to 2nd, or 1st to all was requested
- ~1721 errAEWrongNumberArgs the logical operator kAENOT was used with other than 1 term
- ~1723 errAEAccessorNotFound the accessor procedure matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards was not found
- ~1725 errAENoSuchLogical an operator other than AND, OR, or NOT was specified
- ~1726 errAEBadTestKey the test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor
- ~1727 errAENotAnObjSpec the parameter to AEResolve was not of type 'obj '
- ~1728 errAENoSuchObject the requested object didn’t exist. The specifier asked for the 3rd, but there are only 2, for example
- ~1729 errAENegativeCount CountProc returned a negative value
- ~1730 errAEEmptyListContainer the app attempted to pass empty list as a container to an accessor
- ~1731 errAEUnknownObjectType the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.0.1 or later
- ~1732 errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.0.1 or later
- ~1733 errAEReceiveTerminate the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.1 or later
- ~1734 errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.1 or later
- ~1735 errAEEventFiltered the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.1 or later
- ~1736 errAEDuplicateHandler the requested Apple Event feature is only available in version 1.1 or later
- ~1737 errAEStreamBadNesting a nesting violation occurred while streaming
- ~1738 errAEStreamAlreadyConverted the app attempted to convert a stream that has already been converted
- ~1739 errAEDescIsNull the app attempted to perform an invalid operation on a null descriptor
- ~1750 errOSASystemError a general scripting system error
- ~1751 errOSAInvalidID an invalid script ID was specified
- ~1752 errOSABadStorageType an illegal storage type was specified
- ~1753 errOSAScriptError an error occurred during compilation or execution
- ~1754 errOSABadSelector the selector is not supported by the scripting component
- ~1756 errOSASourceNotAvailable the source data was not available
- ~1757 errOSANoSuchDialect an invalid dialect code was specified
- ~1758 errOSADataFormatObsolete the data format used is obsolete
- ~1759 errOSADataFormatTooNew the data format used is too new
- ~1761 errOSAComponentMismatch the parameters used are from 2 different components
- ~1762 errOSACantOpenComponent the app can't connect to the scripting system with that ID
- ~1778 v1AT_MCErr
- ~1779 v1AT_NoAddrErr
- ~1780 v1AT_AbortErr
- ~1781 v1AT_RecalErr
- ~1782 v1AT_WrFltErr
- ~1783 v1AT_SeekErr
- ~1784 v1AT_UncDataErr
- ~1785 v1AT_CorDataErr
- ~1786 v1AT_BadBlkErr
- ~1787 v1AT_DMarkErr
- ~1788 v1AT_IDNFErr
- ~1791 v1AT_NRdyErr
- ~1793 v1DRVRCantAllocate
- ~1794 v1NoATAMgr
- ~1795 v1ATAInitFail
- ~1796 v1ATABufFail
- ~1797 v1ATADevUnsupported
- ~1800 errOffsetInvalid
- ~1801 errOffsetIsOutsideOfView
- ~1802 v1ATAMgrNotInitialized
- ~1803 v1ATAPBInvalid
- ~1804 v1ATAFuncNotSupported
- ~1805 v1ATABusy
- ~1806 v1ATATransTimeOut
- ~1807 v1ATAReqInProg
- ~1808 v1ATAUnknownState
- ~1809 v1ATAQLocked
- ~1810 errTopOfDocument/v1ATAReqAborted
- ~1811 errTopOfBody/v1ATAUnableToAbort
- ~1812 errEndOfDocument/v1ATAAbortedDueToRst
- ~1813 errEndOfBody
- ~1850 badDragRefErr an unknown drag reference was found
- ~1851 badDragItemErr an unknown drag item reference was found
- ~1852 badDragFlavorErr an unknown flavor type was used
- ~1853 duplicateFlavorErr the flavor type already exists
- ~1854 cantGetFlavorErr an error occurred while trying to get flavor data
- ~1855 duplicateHandlerErr the handler already exists
- ~1856 handlerNotFoundErr the handler was not found
- ~1857 dragNotAcceptedErr the drag was not accepted by the receiver
- ~1858 unsupportedForPlatformErr the call is for PowerPC only
- ~1859 noSuitableDisplaysErr no displays support translucency
- ~1860 badImageRgnErr a bad translucent image region was used
- ~1861 badImageErr a bad translucent image PixMap was used